FreeDink is older than some kids that downloaded open source games on their own by now.
The two main cornerstones of the game are: Low resolution, twisted humor.
One really cool thing about FreeDink is that you can play it in a browser.
Anyways, I worked on replacing some sounds years ago and just recently the same bug bit me again and I made replacements for all sounds that didn't have free versions of themselves yet.
For creation, I remixed a *lot* of sounds and uploaded all the remixes right back there. The attribution feature of Freesound is quite cool, especially if very different sounds are made (see screenshot above).
However, I underestimated how much effort it takes to test them and to give some clarity to myself as well as share the process with the world, I made a video showing the steps taken for testing sounds:
I could not have done it without the excellent documentation and progress report.
I will continue testing and hopefully, soon all the audio will be fully free on this um... cult classic™!